Dehradun to Chandigarh taxi service

Chandigarh is about 173.2 km via Ambala-poanta sahib-herbertpur-dehradun-rishikesh national highway from Dehradun. we the Evergreen travel taxi service offers you with best service of taxi to  chandigarh,we do care of your pocket budget.

Chandigarh is the capital city of Punjab and Haryana and was designed by the swiss –french modernist and architect, Le Corbusier.It was created as the first planned city of post independence of India.Chandigarh is situated at the foothills of the Shivalik range of the Himalayas.Weather of this place is favourable throught the year. This place is well organized in terms of its urban planning  and here crime rate is also low.

It always grab the attention of tourists including foreigners.

Taxi from Dehradun to Chandigarh

Best places to visit in Chandigarh are :

ROCK GARDEN : It is named after its founder, Nek chands, he was a government official who cultivated this garden in his free time and kept it secretly  for 18 years. It came in the lime light in 1975.

ROSE GARDEN : Zakirhussain rose garden is largest botanical garden in Asia for roses which is sepread over in the land of 30 acres, named after the former president ,ZakirHussain.

INTERNATIONAL DOLLS MUSEUM : It comprise of puppets and dolls from  25 different countries. It was built in 1985 and is managed by INDIAN COUNCIL OF CHILD WELFARE ,the mainstream attraction is the Indian section and the toy train.

TERRACE GARDEN : Spread over in 10 acres, it is a picnic spot and was built in 1979.

CACTUS GARDEN : It is spread over in 7 acres and is the largest succulent botanical garden in Asia.It is ahaving more than 3500 varieties of cacti.

MUSEUM AND ART GALLERY : This is the most amazing place in chandigarh because of its collection of antiquities, from indus valley civilization and from historical time also.

Other important places to visit is MOHALI CRICKET STADIUM and many other.
